Pomoć za učenike - početni nivo



** Days of the Week (dani u sedmici) - riječi


  day of the week abbreviation(skraćenice)
days of the week
(7 days)
(radni dani)
(5 days)
Monday Mon. Mo.
Tuesday Tue. Tu.
Wednesday Wed. We.
Thursday Thu. Th.
Friday Fri. Fr.
(2 days)
Saturday Sat. Sa.
Sunday Sun. Su.


Dodatne riječi i pomoć:

- fortnight - period od dvije sedmice (14 dana)

- at night - po noći (kada govorimo o noći uobičajeno)

- in the morning - ujutro

- in the afternoon - popodne

- in the evening - predveče/uveče

- at the weekend - za vikend (kada govorimo o uobičajenim radnjama za vikend)

- on Friday (on koristimo za bilo koji dan)

- in July (in koristimo za bilo koji mjesec)

- in 2020 (in koristimo za godine)




** Seasons - godišnja doba 

winter - zima

spring - proljeće

summer - ljeto

autumn (britanski eng) ili fall (američki eng) - jesen


in (the) summer - (in koristmo kao prijedlog za sva godišnja doba)



** Zodiac signs- Znakovi u horoskopu


♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

♎ Libra (Scales): September 23–October 23

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20



** Day and Night (dan i noć) - riječi

Day and night

morning (jutro)                afternoon (poslije podne) 

noon/midday (podne)      evening (veče)                 

night (noć)                      midnight (ponoć)

dawn (zora)                    sunrise (izlazak sunca) 

dusk (sumrak)                 sunset (zalazak sunca)


** Months and Seasons of the Year

      (mjeseci i godišnja doba) - riječi


  month short form days season
1 January Jan. 31 winter(zima)
2 February Feb. 28/29
3 March Mar. 31 spring (proljeće)
4 April Apr. 30
5 May May 31
6 June Jun. 30 summer (ljeto)
7 July Jul. 31
8 August Aug. 31
9 September Sep. 30 autumn (jesen)
10 October Oct. 31
11 November Nov. 30
12 December Dec. 31 winter (zima)


** Date (datum) - riječi


format British: day-month-year American: month-day-year
A the fourteenth of March, 2016 March the fourteenth, 2016
B 14th March 2016 March 14th, 2016
C 14 March 2016 March 14, 2016
D 14/3/2016 3/14/2016
E 14/3/16 3/14/16
F 14/03/16 03/14/16
number name abbreviations
1 January Jan J
2 February Feb F
3 March Mar M
4 April Apr A
5 May May M
6 June Jun J
7 July Jul J
8 August Aug A
9 September Sep S
10 October Oct O
11 November Nov N
12 December Dec D

 Ordinal numbers for days - Redni brojevi za dane
days of the month
1st first
2nd second
3rd third
4th fourth
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth
11th eleventh
12th twelfth
13th thirteenth
14th fourteenth
15th fifteenth
16th sixteenth
17th seventeenth
18th eighteenth
19th nineteenth
20th twentieth
21st twenty-first
22nd twenty-second
23rd twenty-third
24th twenty-fourth
25th twenty-fifth
26th twenty-sixth
27th twenty-seventh
28th twenty-eighth
29th twenty-ninth
30th thirtieth
31st thirty-first



** Numbers (brojevi) - riječi



Number Cardinal numbers (Glavni brojevi) Ordinal numbers (Redni brojevi)
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 twenty-one twenty-first
22 twenty-two twenty-second
23 twenty-three twenty-third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty-five twenty-fifth
26 twenty-six twenty-sixth
27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirtieth
31 thirty-one thirty-first
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1,000 one thousand thousandth
1,500 one thousand five hundred, or fifteen hundred one thousand five hundredth
100,000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1,000,000 one million millionth



** Greetings (pozdravi) - rečenice


Good morning.  - Dobro jutro.

Good afternoon. - Dobar dan.

Good evening. - Dobro veče.

Good night. - Laku noć.

Goodbye. - Doviđenja.

Merry Christmas. - Sretan Božić.

Happy New Year. - Sretna Nova Godina.

Happy Easter. - Sretan Uskrs.

Good luck. - Sretno.

Congratulations. / Well done. - Čestitam.

Get well soon. - Brz oporavak (želim).

Pleased to meet you. - Drago mi je (što smo se upoznali). - pri rukovanju

How do you do? - Kako ste. (ono što kažemo pri rukovanju)

Hello / Hi.  - Zdravo.

Give me five. - "Nabaci." ("peticu")


** Telling the time (reći koliko je sati - tačno vrijeme)

            Teoretski dio provjerite na ovoj stranici, na sljedećem linku:
Practice (vježba):
8h 30 min =  It's half past eight am.
14h 45 min = It's quarter to three pm.
2h = It's two o'clock am.
14h = It's two o'clock pm.
18:10 = It's ten (minutes) past six pm.
6:29 = It's twenty-nine (minutes) past six am.
23:11 =
11: 52 =
12 h = ______________ ili It's noon.
00:00 = _______________ ili It's midnight.
1:30 =
15:15 =
22: 45 =
7:20 =
17:08 =
11:37 =
16h =
6h =
21:14 =
8:42 =
13:03 =
10:40 =
00:25 =
12:25 =
9:31 =
9: 29 =
19:27 =
19:33 =

** Communication (početni nivo)



Let's talk # 1: What time is it?


Can you tell me the time?   Možete li mi reći tačno vrijeme (na satu)?     

What time is it?        Koliko je sati?

I'm sorry, I don't know.    Žao mi je, ne znam.

I don't have a watch.   Nemam sat.              

It's three o'clock.    Tri je sata.

It's half past nine.  Pola deset je.                       

It's five past five.    Pet sati i pet minuta je.

It's twenty-five past two.    Dva i dvadeset pet.      

It's twenty to one.   Dvadeset je do jedan.

It's quarter to eight.       Petnaest minuta je do osam.          

It's ten to eleven.    Deset do jedanaest.

It's about six o'clock.    Oko šest sati je.


Let's talk # 2: Social expressions (part 1)


How are you?    Kako si (Kako ste)?                                        

Very well, thanks.    Dobro (sam/smo), hvala.

Have a good time!     Lijepo se provedi.               

Thanks very much.   Hvala puno.

Good night.    Laku noć.                                        

Sleep well!   Lijepo spavaj.

This is my friend, Jane.      Ovo je moja prijateljica, Jane.       

Pleased to meet you.   Drago mi je što smo se upoznali.

I'm sorry I'm late.   Izvinite što kasnim.                        

Don't worry. It's OK.    Ne brini(te) se. Uredu je.

Can I help you?           Mogu li ti (vam) pomoći ?              

I'm just looking, thanks.   Samo razgledam, hvala.

Could you do me a favour?     Možeš (Možete) li mi učiniti uslugu?   

Sure, no problem.  Naravno, nema problema.



Let's talk # 3: Social expressions (part 2)


Hello. How are you?           Zdravo. Kako si (Kako ste)?        

I'm fine thank you. And you?  Dobro sam, hvala. A ti (A vi)?

Not bad, thanks.             Nije loše, hvala.                                         

Very well.            Dobro.

Goodbye.        Doviđenja.                                     

Have a nice day.       Želim ti /vam/ ugodan dan.

See you this evening.   Vidimo se večeras.           

I'm sorry I'm late.             Izvinite što kasnim.                         

I'm sorry.                 Izvinite.

Excuse me!       Oprostite!                                         

Don't worry.   Ne brini(te).

That's OK.          Uredu je.                                                                   

Really?              Stvarno? (Zaista?)



Let's talk # 4 : Social expressions (part 3)


I'm sorry.                              Žao mi je. (Izvini.)                 

Excuse me.                     Izvini(te).                                                     

Hurry up.                Požuri(te).                                

Just a minute.            Samo trenutak (sačekajte).

Of course.                      Naravno.

That's right.             Tačno! (Tako je.)                       

All right.                Uredu.

Good idea.              Dobra ideja.                                             

No, of course not.    Ne, naravno da ne.

Never mind.            Nema veze.