Pismena vježba
(Written Assignment)
Sadržaj stranice
1. Kako pisati pismenu
* Koliko i kako pišemo?
- nema ograničenja; nije bitno koliko pišemo neko kako pišemo i da li poštujemo pravila;
- ukoliko ne možemo upamtiti sve što smo napisali, rad se poništava i dobija se negativna ocjena.

Type 1- Sequence(Redoslijed) (* In the first place – Prvo...., *
To begin with –Na početku, * First of all – Kao prvo; Prije svega...,
* Secondly – Kao drugo..., * Lastly - Na kraju... * Finally-Konačno...)
e.g. First of all, I would like to say that this is the story about my life.
Finally, after a long discussion we decided not to travel by plane.
Type 2- Addition (Dodatak prethodnom tekstu) ( * In addition / In
addition to that – Kao dodatak tome.....,
*Apart from that – Bez obzira na to......, * Moreover-Povrh toga,
Osim toga...., *What is more important (strange) - Ono što je
važnije (čudnije)....., *as well as - kao i......, *Above all – Iznad svega.....)
e.g. What is more important, I always write down my friend's birthdays.
I have to clean the floor as well as cook the food.
I have problems with Math. Apart from that, everything is fine.
Type 3- Conclusion(Zaključak) (* In conclusion – Na kraju...... ,
* To sum up – Da rezmiramo..., *All in all – Sve u svemu.... ,
* Taking everything into account - Kad se sve uzme u obzir....
e.g. Taking everything into account, it was a great experience.
In conclusion, I would like to say that this person means the world to me.
Type 4- Example (Primjer) (* for example – na primjer..... ,
*for instance - na primjer...., *like – kao....,
*such as – poput, kao što je.....)
e.g. I can play quite a few musical instruments, for example, the flute, the guitar, and the piano.
Instrumental music, such as classical and jazz, helps me study better.
Type 5- Contrast (Kontrast/Suprotno) (*but – ali.... * Even if – Čak i ako(da)......)
*Although/Though - Iako... *Even though - Pa i ako, Sve i da.....,
*In spite of - Usprkos..., * Despite – Unatoč....
*However – Međutim, Bilo kako bilo...., * Nevertheless – Unatoč tome, Ipak....,
* On the other hand – S druge strane.....)
e.g. I am a big fan of soccer. On the other hand, I hate basketball.
Despite all my qualifications, I didn't get the job.
Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell them what happened.
Type 6 - Cause and effect (Uzrok i uticaj) (*because of – zbog....,
* due to – zbog...., *As a result of - Kao posljedica toga....,
* For this reason – Iz ovog razloga....,
* for one reason or another – iz ovog ili onog razloga...., *Since – Pošto...,
e.g. Due to rain, our concert was cancelled. Or Our concert was cancelled due to rain.
Since he knew Spanish, he was the leader of our group.
Type 7 - Result, effect (Posljedica) ( * Therefore – Stoga....,
*consequently – kao posljedica toga.., * as a result - kao posljedica....,
*so – pa...........,
e.g. We found nobody home, so we went to the nearest police station.
Journey back home took 10 hours. Therefore I needed some rest.
Type 8 - Opinion (Mišljenje) (*In my opinion – Po mom mišljenju.........,
*As I see it – Kako ja smatram, Po mom mišljenju .....,
*As far as I am concerned – Što se mene tiče......)
e.g. As far as I am concerned, he can look for a new friend, I will not forgive him.
Type 9 - Modifying what is written
(Modificiranje onog što je već navedeno dodavanjem fraza u sljedećoj rečenici)
(*In general – Općenito govoreći * As far as I know – Koliko ja znam...,
For all I know – Koliko ja znam....,)
e.g. For all I know, she may have gone home.
Type 10- Intensifying (Pojačavanje značaja rečenice)
* Needless to say – Nije potrebno naglasiti (reći).. ......
*of course – naravno... *especially - naročito....,
* above all – iznad svega *not to mention – da ne govorim(o).....,)
e.g. Needless to say, I was happy to be back home.
He loves music, poetry, and above all, he loves sports.
Type 11 - Rephrasing a statement (Parafraziranje onog što je već rečeno
u prethodnoj rečenici ili prethodnim rečenicama)
(*In other words – Drugim riječima.....,
*that is– to jest... , * that is to say – što govori (to će reći)....)
e.g. In other words, , we are desperate.
He lives on the first floor, that is, the floor at street level.
1.5. Composition
(Kompozicija pismene)
Introduction (Uvod): Uvesti pismenu s tim da ukoliko se radi
o nekom događaju ili liku suština (ako je moguće i sam identitet)
se "prikriva" tako da se čitaocu ostavi mašti na volju da iščekuje o
čemu ili kome seradi – a to će saznati u glavnom dijelu.
Main part (Glavni dio): Razraditi temu do kraja i završiti izlaganje
tako da ako se radi o događaju– izlaganje se završava na kraju glavnog
dijela a ne prenosi se u zaključak.
Conclusion (Zaključak): Iznjeti svoje mišljenje i prikazati svoj lični stav
(kritički ili emotivni) ka temi.
2. Teme po uzrastima
i ocjenama
- Start with a couple of sentences describing what the book is about. ...
- Discuss what you particularly liked about the book. ...
- Mention anything you disliked about the book. ...
- Round up your review. ...
- You can give the book a rating, for example a mark out of five or ten, if you like!