Personal mini dictionary

Riječi su preuzete iz udžbenika (Gateway-New ---- Wordlists) za prvi/drugi i
treći/četvrti. Nalaze se na samom kraju vaših udžbenika a mi smo neke izdvojili
ovdje umjesto da to radimo na časovima.
Vremenom ćemo proširiti izbor i sa riječima iz drugih izvora  (Internet,
knjige, riječnici  i drugo) Riječi se pojavljuju po redu pojavljivanja u Unit-ima
(od 1 do 10) prvo iz knjige B1 pa iz knjige B1+.  Advanced nivo je označen plavom
bojom i predviđen je za ocjenu 5 i 4, a elementary level je označen crvenom bojom
i predviđen je za ocjenu 2 i 3. Za sve uzraste vrijede ta pravila. Riječi su poredane
po polugodištima (50 riječi po polugodištu) i po uzrastima (od 1. ka 4. razredu).
Riječi se moraju znati pravilno izgovoriti i prevesti. Samo tražite prevod tj objašnjenje
po principu da ocjene 4 i 5 to rade English - English objašnjenje
(npr. senior citizen - polite expression for an old person)
a ocjene 2 i 3 pripremaju English - Bosanski prevod
(npr. senior citizen - starija osoba (ljubazan izraz))
Pri ocjenjivanju, učenik biraju nivo po želji. Dozvoljeno je prebacivanje u oba smjera
ukoliko učenik procjeni da mu je trenutni nivo ipak težak (lagan).
              1 razred                
1. razred advanced ili jače ocjene (prvo polugodište) 
                   Potražiti pod  Prvi razred Adv 1. polugodište
1. senior citizen
2. adolescence
3. brother-in-law
4. in-laws
5. nephew
6. niece
7. only child
8. stepmother
9. argument
10. confidence
12. independence
13. retirement
14. approximately
15. convenient
16. advice (n.= noun)
17. disagreement
18. e-pal
19. government
20. interrupt
21. make sure
22. provide
23. reasonable
24. privacy
25. confusion
26. responsibility
27. unique
28. untidy
29. burglary
30. fraud
31. shoplifting
32. theft
33. fraudster
34. mugger
35. charge a suspect
36. robber vs mugger (explain the difference)
37. investigate a case
38. proof
39. come across
40. turn up (arrive)
41. accessory
42. stand up for
43. value (n=noun)
44. delicatessen
45. headquarters
46. manually
47. take an exam
48. revise & revision
49. complain
50. luxury
1. razred advanced (drugo polugodište)
                Potražiti pod Prvi razred Adv 2. polugodište
1. artificial
2. co-exist
3. gesture
4. nod (v= verb)
5. sincerity
6. cheek
7. thigh
8. earache
9. sore
10. airway (body)
11. conscious  & consciousness  vs unconscious & unconsciousness
12. conscience
13. insufficient
14. survey
15. accommodation
16. insecure
17. manga comic
18. origin
19. chest
20. sore (adj = adjective)
21. cushion (n. = noun) vs cushion (v. = verb)
22. ice rink
23. increase (n.) vs increase (v.)
24. note (n.)
25. promote
26. well-being
27. elevation
28. seaside
29. monolingual vs bilingual
30. drug (n.)
31. tip (n.)
32. regularly
33. action verbs
34. state verbs
35. auxiliary verbs
36. primary auxiliary verbs
37. treatment
38. acupuncture
39. dry
40. breaded - adj. = adjective  (of food)
41. etc.
42. e.g.
43. i.e.
44. AD vs BC (years)
45. AM vs PM (time)
46. exclamation  vs  exclamation mark
47. interrogative (grammar)
48. box (everyday language) vs box (football)
49. paint (everyday language) vs paint (basketball)
50. abroad
1. razred elementary ili niže ocjene (prvo polugodište)
                    Potražiti pod  Prvi razred Elem 1. polugodište


1. birth
2. childhood
3. middle-aged person
4. young adult
5. senior citizen
6. aunt
7. mother-in-law
8. brother-in-law
9. nephew  vs niece
10. only child
11. divorced
12. grandson
13. grandparents
14. single
15. stepfather
16. uncle
17. confidence
18. difference
19. advice
20. e-pal
21. headphones
22. earphones
23. turn the volume up
24. turn the volume down
25. accept
26. independent  vs dependent
27. independence
28. realise
29. responsibility
30. shout
31. decision
32. decide
33. timetable
34. untidy 
35. damage (n. = noun - imenica)
36. mug (v=verb - glagol; crime)
37. arrest
38. collect evidence
39. apologise
40. complicated
41. property
42. tell the truth
43. investigation
44. find out
45. Look out!
46. escape
47. experience
48. violence
49. honesty
50. human (n. - imenica)  vs  human (adj. - adjective = pridjev)
1. razred elementary ili niže ocjene (drugo polugodište)
                  Potražiti pod Prvi razred Elem 2. polugodište
1. do an essay
2. practice
3. memorise
4. possible  & impossible
5. correct & incorrect
6. usual & unusual
7. often
8. voice
9. revision
10. do (take) an exam
11. study
12. learn
13. happy vs unhappy
14. data
15. explain
16. explanation
17. prepare
18. ankle
19. chin
20. forehead
21. heel
22. throat
23. thumb
24. toe
25. sore neck
26. headache
27. stomach pain
28. sore throat
29. bellyache 
30. sore elbow
31. flu
32. ill
33. injure
34. drug (medicine)
35. earache
36. cough
37. injury
38. hurt
39. first aid
40. food poisoning
41. health centre
42. blood
43. breathe
44. cure (n. = noun - imenica)
45. note (n. = noun - imenica)
46. recover
47. recovery
48. auxiliary verbs
49. main verbs
50. ending (grammar - u gramatici)

              2 razred                
2. razred advanced ili jače ocjene (prvo polugodište) 
                   Potražiti pod  Drugi razred Adv 1. polugodište
1. advert (ad/advertisement)
2. soap (TV)
3. moving
4. embarrassing vs embarrassed
5. tiring
6. admire
7. invent vs invention
8. bored
9. fame
10. lazy
11. poet
12. lottery
13. cut class
14. negotiate
15. poetry
16. slightly
17. ice cap
18. valley
19. drought
20. rainforest
21. environment
22. greenhouse effect
23. melt
24. pollution
25. recycle
26. obtain
27. altitude
28. bulb
29. carbon footprint
30. corridor
31. reduce
32. extinct
33. fuel-efficient (adj = adjective)
34. remote (adj = adjective)
35. sustainable energy
36. tile (n. - noun = imenica)
37. variety  
38. plumber
39. librarian
40. confident
41. reliable
42. part-time vs full-time  (adj=adjective)
43. well-off (adj=adjective)
44. employee vs employer
45. easy going (adj. - adjective = pridjev)
46. background
47. CV- Curriculum Vitae
48. diver
49. bungee jumping
50. get dressed vs get dressed up

2. razred advanced ili jače ocjene (drugo polugodište) 
                   Potražiti pod  Drugi razred Adv 2. polugodište

1. interpreter
2. manual (adj. - adjective = pridjev)
3. paperwork
4. prohibition
5. skill
6. rickshaw
7. take orders
8. unambitious
9. classmate
10. fall out (with somebody) - v phr = phrasal verb
11. get on well (with somebody) - v phr = phrasal verb
12. see eye to eye
13. anger vs boredom vs excitement vs fear vs sadness
14. leaflet 
15. fairy tale vs comic vs crime novel
16. leadership
17. competitive
18. contender  (in sports)
19. sudoku
20. voluntary
21. manual (n. - noun = imenica)
22. textbook
23. cross out - v phr = phrasal verb
24. look up - v phr = phrasal verb
25. blurb
26. forward vs reply vs browse
27. intrigue
28. predator  (animal)
29. trilogy
30. pendrive (computers)
31. worldwide
32. pure
33. graduate (n. - noun = imenica)
34. broadband
35. cruel
36. reference
37. upload vs download (computers)
38. inappropriate
39. discriminatory
40. expand
41. old-fashioned
42. post (v. - verb = glagol) - computers
43. headset (computers)
44. judge (n. noun)  vs  judge (v. verb)
45. ASAP (abbreviation)
46. RSVP (abbreviation)
47. ETA (abbreviation)
48. IMO (abbreviation)
49. aka (abbreviation)
50. DIY (abbreviation)
                  (potraži pod Mini Dictionary - 2 razred - Adv)

2. razred elementary ili niže ocjene (prvo polugodište)

                   Potražiti pod  Drugi razred Elem 1. polugodište
1. cartoon
2. channel
3. documentary
4. soap (TV)
5. remote controller
6. turn on/switch on  & turn off/switch off
7. awful
8. boring  & bored
9. exciting & excited
10. tiring vs tired
11. scary
12. appear
13. celebrity
14. cheap
15. expensive
16. modelling agency
17. miss class (school)
18. theatre
19. anniversary
20. nature
21. trip
22. wool
23. wood  
24. desert (geography)
25. dessert (food)
26. forest
27. rainforest
28. flood
29. waste (imenica)
30. arrive
31. receive
32. hole
33. plant
34. fashion designer
35. firefighter
36. library
37. librarian
38. plumber
39. nurse
40. shop assistant
41. employer
42. employee
43. part-time job
44. full-time job
45. ambitious
46. clever
47. confident
48. hard-working
49. well-paid job vs badly paid job
50. CV/ Curriculum Vitae
2. razred elementary ili niže ocjene (drugo polugodište)

                   Potražiti pod  Drugi razred Elem 2. polugodište
1. obligation
2. responsibility
3. circle of friends
4. get on well with somebody
5. fall out with somebody
6. have arguments with somebody
7. easy-going person 
8. outgoing person
9. shy person
10. talkative person
11. afraid
12. angry (adj- adjecive = pridjev)
13. anger (n - noun = imenica)
14. excitement
15. happiness
16. lonely
17. illness
18. leadership
19. relationship
20. weakness
21. forever
22. primary school
23. secondary school (high school)
24. college
25. share
26. voluntary work
27. comic
28. novel
29. fairy tale
30. retell a story
31. science
32. fiction
33. science fiction
34. guidebook
35. manual
36. cross out
37. fill in
38. turn over a new page
39. bestseller (book)
40. headphones
41. cut and paste (using a computer)
42. keyboard (computer)
43. serch engine (computer)
44. social networking (computer) 
45. check email
46. entertainment
47. e.g. (pronađi značenje ove skraćenice u engleskom)
48. i.e. (pronađi značenje ove skraćenice u engleskom )
49. etc. (pronađi značenje ove skraćenice u engleskom )
50. AM vs PM (pronađi značenje ove skraćenice u engleskom)
              3 razred                
3. razred advanced ili jače ocjene (prvo polugodište) 
                   Potražiti pod  Treći razred Adv 1. polugodište

1. overweight

2. curly hair

3. fair hair

4. spiky

5. arrogant

6. patient vs impatient

7. reliable

8. tidy vs untidy

9. elderly

10. beautiful vs handsome

11. outgoing

12. thin vs slim

13. apparently

14. gradually

15. particularly

16. solution

17. valuable

18. coach (transport)

19. delay

20. departures

21. fare

22. lorry

23. bed and breakfast (n = noun)

24. set off (v phr = phrasal verb)

25. take off (v phr = phrasal verb)

26. announce vs announcement

27. check in (hotel)

28. carbon footprint

29. contaminate

30. energy efficient (adj = adjective)

31. fragile

32. impact (n = noun)

33. principal (n = noun)

34. vacancy (n = noun)  

35. companion

36. introductory (adj = adjective)

37. scuba diving

38. impact (v = verb)

39. law

40. lifelong

41. tremendous

42. resolve

43. cottage

44. detached house

45. semi-detached house

46. inner city

47. outskirts

48. suburbs

49. terraced house (townhouse)

50. bungalow

3. razred advanced ili jače ocjene (drugo polugodište) 
mp3 link: 
                   Potražiti pod  Treći razred Adv 2. polugodište

1. accommodate vs accommodation

2. noisy vs quiet (town)

3. consequence

4. increase vs decrease

5. urgent 

6. ancient

7. packed

8. stunning

9. consequential loss

10. frequent

11. inhabitant

12. majority vs minority

13. renewable energy

14. slightly

15. support (v verb and n noun)

16. dessert vs desert

17. starter vs main course (restaurant)

18. roast (adjective)  vs  roast (noun)  vs roast (verb)

19. raw

20. stale

21. baked vs fried

22. disadvantage

23. precooked vs recooked

24. overdone vs underdone (cooking)

25. underestimate

26. flavour

27. essential

28. attitude

29. contain

30. ingredient

31. quintessential

32. nutrient

33. preserve

34. processed

35. quality vs quantity

36. mosquito

37. remote (adj-adjective)

38. resident

39. fog

40. slippery

41. average

42. approximately

43. PE (school)

44. IT (school)

45. give in to (something or someone)

46. give up

47. give away

48. give off

49. give out (car)

50. give it up (for somebody)


3. razred elementary ili niže ocjene (prvo polugodište) 
                   Potražiti pod  Treći razred Elem 1. polugodište

1. thin

2. slim

3. bald

4. wavy hair vs curly hair

5. medium-height vs medium-length (obje riječi su pridjevi)

6. pretty vs beautiful vs handsome

7. overweight

8. bossy

9. calm

10. hard-working

11. lazy

12. patient vs impatient (obje riječi su pridjevi)

13. quiet

14. selfish

15. shy

16. friendly vs unfriendly

17. tidy vs untidy

18. bright (pridjev za osobu)

19. ability

20. coast

21. competition (imenica) vs competitive (pridjev)  

22. proud

23. interrupt

24. solution (of a problem)

25. valuable

26. victory

27. depart  vs  arrive

28. subway

29. ticket  vs ticket office

30. underground

31. luggage

32. delay

33. ticket vs return ticket

34. tent

35. damage

36. exactly

37. journey  

38. sail vs sailor

39. stone

40. towel

41. inn

42. bed and breakfast

43. approximately

44. break down (frazalni glagol)

45. check in (frazalni glagol)

46. take off (frazalni glagol - za avione)

47. set off (frazalni glagol)

48. foreign

49. abroad

50. timetable  vs schedule

3. razred elementary ili niže ocjene (drugo polugodište) 

mp3 link: 
                   Potražiti pod  Treći razred Elem 2. polugodište


1. upstairs vs downstairs 

2. detached house

3. semi-detached house

4. crowded streets

5. flat

6. city centre vs inner city

7. suburbs

8. quiet vs noisy (pridjevi)

9. ancient

10. silent

11. lively town

12. dreadful

13. enormous

14. conditions 

15. recently

16. according to

17. consequence

18. increase

19. decrease

20. predict vs prediction

21. plum vs pear vs peach vs peas

22. carrot

23. lamb vs veal vs pork

24. starter

25. main course

26. turkey

27. baked vs fried

28. boiled eggs

29. spicy

30. healthy vs unhealthy

31. tasty

32. raw

32. roast (food)

33. underdone vs overdone (food)

34. advantage vs disadvantage

35. developing country

36. global warming

37. nutrition

38. PE (in school - naučit i puni oblik sraćenice)

39. IT (in school - naučit i puni oblik skraćenice)

40. golf course

41. basketball court

42. football pitch

43. tennis court / volleyball court / handball court

44. Formula 1 circuit

45. swimming pool

46. athletics - track

47. stadium vs stands vs Arena

48. ice hockey rink (ice rink)

49. society

50. government


              4 razred                
4. razred advanced ili jače ocjene
            (prvo polugodište)
                       50 phrasal verbs - explain in English
Remember -
Some phrasal verbs have multiple meanings so for some examples
we gave you the help with the meaning that we need
for this task. (e.g. run down)

1. bring about -

2. turn out -

3. look into -

4. put up -

5. throw away -

6. hold on -

7. put off -

8. break into -

9. give off (send out smell) -

10. look after

11. pick out

12. make for  -  (make for something) to move towards a place

13. care about

14. turn over -

15. run down  - to criticize somebody/something in an unkind way

16. look through (books) -to read something quickly, especially to find the information you need

17. blow up

18. turn up

19. call on (pay a short visit)

20. take off

21. hand in

22. give up

23. take in - understand

24. go off (alarm)

25. hold up (stop by threats of violence)

26. make something up (a story)

27. put through (to complete successfully)

28. take on ( to start- to accept work / responsibility, decide to do something)

29. turn down

30. make up (to repay, compensate for)

31. stand up to (resist)

32. call up (telephone)

33. stand by someone (stay loyal)

34. stand up for (fight for )

35. think over (consider)

36. work out (to find by reasoning)

37. set up (organize)

38. run after

39. go for it (attack)

40. call up (summon for military service)

41. set off / out (begin a journey)

42. look ahead (consider future)

43. call off

44. stand for - represent (mean)

45. take up - become interested in (hobby)

46. go off  - explode

47. draw up - make a written plan

48. cut down - reduce in size or amount

49. take after - resemble

50. take over - assume responsibility for

4. razred advanced ili jače ocjene
(drugo polugodište) provjera u martu

         50 idioms

1. lion's share

2. once in a blue moon

3. heart in the right place

4. face the music

5. put lipstick on a pig

6. hit the books

7. jump the shark

8. dog eat dog

9. out of the blue

10. cost an arm and a leg

11. bark is worse than a bite

12. hold your horses - wait and be patient

13. have skeleton in closet

14. cross that bridge when we come to it

15. go belly up - go bankrupt

16. get cold feet

17. apples and oranges

18. hit the sack

19. until the cows come home

20. high and dry -  be in a difficult situation

21. pull one's leg

22. at the drop of a hat

23. top dog

24. thick in the head - dim-witted, stupid, or an especially slow learner.

25. go from rags to riches - from poverty to great or exceptional wealth.

26. any port in a storm - to accept any help

27. like a bull in a china shop

28. break a leg

29. raining cats and dogs

30. trip the light fantastic  - to dance gracefully

31. takes a lot blod sweat and tears

32. off the top of my head - from the knowledge you have in your memory

33. curiosity killed the car - being inquisitive about other people's affairs may get you into trouble.

34. to have a cow - to get extremely upset

35. not my cup of tea

36. Bob's your uncle - and there it is" or "and there you have it"


37. something is in the offing - likely to hapen soon (in the near future)

35. steal somebody's thunder - to do what someone else was going to do before they do it, especially if this takes success or praise away from them

36. every nook and cranny - every part or aspect or small place of something


37. to be out and about  - active or doing something you usually do, especially after a recovery

38. beat around the bush - to avoid talking about what is important


39. fall off the back of the lorry - is a stolen property

40. to chicken out - to avoid an action out of fear


41. drive someone around the bend - to be very annoying

42. to be over the moon


43. see pink elephants -to hallucinate or see things incorrectly due to acute alcohol intoxication or withdrawal.

44. hold / hang fire - delay a decision

45. at sixes and sevens - confused

46. as awkward as a cow on roller skates -Very clumsy or uncoordinated

47. the lights are on but no one's s home - an expression used for saying that someone is stupid (unintelligent)  or is not listening

48. the elephant in the room -  you mean that there is an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about. avoid it (topic)

49. let the cat out of the bag - reveal a secret carelessly or by mistake.


50. when pigs fly -  impossible, something that will never happen

4. razred elementary ili niže ocjene

Social expressions


1. Have a good time!                    

2. Pleased to meet you.

3. I'm sorry I'm late.   

4.  A: Thanks a lot.    B:    Don't mention it.

5. Can I get you a coffee?           

6. That would be lovely.

7. Good luck in your exam.

8. Can I help you?           

9. Do you want to join us?            

10. Could you do me a favour?      

11. Sure, no problem.

12. Can you drop me off at work?


13. A: Hello. How are you?  B:  I'm fine thank you. And you?

14. Have a nice day.

15. Really?

16. It doesn't matter.

17. Hello.  Can I speak to John, please?

18. Can I speak to the manager please?  

19. Can I take a message?                    

20. Don't worry.

21. Good idea!

22. Congratulations!  

23. Cheers!  

24. Bless you!                                                  

25. Cheer up!                                                      

26. Hurry up!                                                   

27. You must be joking! 

28. That would be great! 

29. No way!  

30. Mind your own business! 

31. Don't ask me! 

32. Over my dead body! 

33. I told you so!

34. Can I have a chickenburger, please?       

35. Anything to drink?      

36.   Here you are.    

37. Anything else?                                      

38. Four pounds twenty five, please.

39. Keep the change.

40. Here's your change.

41. Can you tell me the time? 

42.  I'm sorry, I don't know.

43.  I don't have a watch.

44. What time is it?

45. Good morning.  - Dobro jutro.

46. Good afternoon. - Dobar dan.

47. Good evening. - Dobro veče.

48. Good night. - Laku noć.

49. Goodbye. - Doviđenja.

50. Merry Christmas. - Sretan Božić.

51. Happy New Year. - Sretna Nova Godina.

52. Happy Easter. - Sretan Uskrs.

53. Good luck. - Sretno.

54. Congratulations. / Well done. - Čestitam.

55. Get well soon. - Brz oporavak (želim).

56. Pleased to meet you. - Drago mi je (što smo se upoznali). - pri rukovanju

57.How do you do? - Kako ste. (ono što kažemo pri rukovanju)

58. Hello / Hi.  - Zdravo.

59. Give me five. - "Nabaci." ("peticu")