****ACTIVITY 1****
What's your take? (all students /all grades)
/Use 3-5 sentences to report on what is more impressive fact in your opinion/
(U "What's your take?" biramo dva učenika koja izlaze pred tablu i kažu šta ih je
više dojmilo,iznenadilo, impresioniralo i sl. od dole ponuđenih činjenica (A ili B) tako što
svoje objašnjenje obrazlože u ne manje od 3 rečenice
( više rečenica može, manje od 3 ne))
A) Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.
B) There are more vacant houses than homeless people in the United States.
C) It is forbidden to own dogs in Iceland. In 1971, a complete ban on dogs was
enforced in Reykjavík, but 13 years later the rules were changed, and people
could own dogs if both owner and dog met a few conditions.
D) Butterflies rely on their feet to taste food. Their feet have taste sensors on them that
help to locate food for their caterpillars.
E) .... 11% of people are left handed
F) .... the Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters
G) .... the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E
H) ....an average person will spend 25 years asleep
I) ...111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
J) Chewing gum is banned in Singapore - The sale of chewing gum in Singapore has been illegal since 1992
K) The human thigh bone is 4 times stronger than concrete
****ACTIVITY 2****
Fill in the blanks!
/Choose 2 statements and complete them with two more sentences/
(U "Fill in the blanks!" biramo dva učenika koja izlaze pred tablu i biraju
dva od tri (četiri) dole ponuđena početka rečenica i dopune na način da završe
prvu i dodaju još dvije svoje rečenice na tu prvu, koje će biti objašnjenje
i obrazloženje ličnog stava učenika ( više rečenica od 2 može, manje ne))
Fill in the blanks!
1) Reality shows in my opinion are good (bad) because......
2) The best way to learn a language is to........
3) Free time should be used wisely. We should......
4) Global warming and climate change issues are perhaps the greatest
threat to this planet and I think that......
5) The world of modern technology which includes cell phones, computers,
tablets, Facebook, Viber etc. in my opinion is........(PROS AND CONS)
6) Changes in the education system and class organization are in my opinion.....
7) My country would be much better place to live if........
8) If I had a chance to organize my city /country/ and had a full week
to do it, I would............
****ACTIVITY 3****
/Students debate on all statements (photos). They have to give at least two sentences
to explain their ideas./
(U "Crossfire" biramo dva učenika koja izlaze pred tablu i iznose svoja (ista ili različita)
mišljenja na dvije ponuđene rečenice i jedan opis na ponuđenu sliku na način kako su je
oni vidjeli i razumjeli (doživjeli) s tim da svako mišljenje i opis moraju sadržavati minimalno
dvije rečenice, više može a manje od dvije ne. Najbolje bi bilo da učenici imaju različite
stavove i viđenja slike, ali to zavisi od njihovih razmišljanja, jer različiti stavovi
kreiraju debatu što je i jedan od ciljeva ove aktivnost.)
Students debate on all statements (photos).
They have to give at least two sentences to
explain their ideas.
1) You should take a nap every day.
2) Avoid dinner.
3) Two-thirds of the people on earth have never seen snow.
4) It would take 1,000 years to watch every video on you tube.
5) In order to get, you have to give.
6) No pain, no gain.
7) Reading is to the mind is what exercise is for the body.
Describe the following photos....